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Email Marketing is All About Relevance

Written by Doug Lunne | Sep 21, 2022 4:00:00 AM

If you’re like me, you scan your inbox throughout the day, delete the emails that are clearly of no interest, read the ones that are important, and maybe open a few that get your attention. It’s the few that get your attention and open straight away that are of interest. They’re usually from people you know and trust, from a brand you relate to, an offer in the subject line that seems too good to miss, or a curious topic that piques your interest. These few meet the criteria of what’s relevant to you. After all, would you open an email from a person you don’t know, a brand you don’t trust, an offer you don’t want or need, or on a topic that’s far from your interest? Likely not.

Today’s email marketers are working hard to be relevant to you. Interestingly, it’s the same criteria that made print direct mail successful (or not) for eons. It’s the combination of the right data (who it’s reaching and their previous habits), the right offer (call to act), and the right creative (standing out)—pretty much in that order. Just like old-time direct mail, the goal is not to end up in the trash, but instead to engage with the target audience and drive the desired action.

The space to play for marketers (beyond the quality of the list and associated target behaviors), include the following areas for content and creative relevance:

  • The sender’s email address (Make it personal if possible.)
  • “Friendly From” addresses—a personal name or company name that can replace an email address, can increase open rates by 34% for BtoB communications and 37% for BtoC communications, according to Jay Schwedelson, founder of SubjectLine.com. 
  • The subject line (Make it interesting, short and compelling.)
  • The design of the email (Including media such as video)
  • The clarity and relevance of the message (Can it be personalized?)
  • The call to action (what do you want them to do next? Be clear!)

Typically, those on your email distribution will already know of you or have engaged with your brand (giving you permission to market to them), which gives a true advantage. Make sure you make the most of this qualified contact, customer, or friend by crafting emails that matter to them. In that way, emails can be an effective tool to engage and sustain relationships, stay in touch, and provide those on your list information they want and need.

LMG has been writing, designing, and developing emails for our clients for years. Thanks to that experience, paired with deep analysis, we have a unique understanding of how to make sure your emails connect with your intended audience.

Reach out today to learn more.