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5 Strategies to Stay Creative During Quarantine

Written by Erin Myers | May 27, 2020 4:00:00 AM

There’s no question that the coronavirus pandemic has brought a wave of changes to communities around the world, affecting how we live and work. In the midst of it all, it can feel like creativity is dwindling by the day.

However, while this time certainly has its challenges, it can also bring opportunities—to clear the clutter, to pursue fresh inspiration, redefine priorities, and seek innovative solutions to these challenges.

To embrace these opportunities, LMG has spent the last several weeks building upon our foundation of Creative Intelligence in a new way. We believe every marketing challenge can be best addressed by engaging creativity along with business intelligence, so we focus on leveraging both of these disciplines all the time to create desired results for clients—even while working from home.

So, what does Creative Intelligence look like from home? We asked our team how they’re staying sharp, while having some fun, and we’ve shared ideas on how you can apply this concept in your own way!

(Also, keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook pages to see more Creative Intelligence at home in the coming weeks.)

1.) Pursue personal education and enrichment.

Is there a new skill you’ve wanted to learn, an idea you’ve wanted to explore, or an area of your business you’ve wanted to address? Now could be the time to focus on these tasks! Maybe there is a stack of books you finally have a chance to read through, a new language you want to learn, or a training course you’ve been waiting to complete. Or, maybe you just want some good old-fashioned entertainment. Luckily, there are ways you can tour a museum or attend a concert virtually, right from the comfort of your own home! In the midst of isolation and social distancing, there are still many opportunities to discover the world around us!

What our team is doing:

“I’ve been diving into some marketing books to keep our work fresh and evolving during this time.”

“I love looking at magazines and home decorating books for inspiration, and I’ve been chipping away at the stack on my coffee table that I’ve never had time to read.”

“The pandemic has devastated the live music industry. With so many artists not being able to tour and perform for audiences in person, many are turning to livestreams on social media or video conferencing platforms. Being able to see some favorite acts deliver amazing performances—and commiserate with fans about what we're all experiencing—has been a real silver lining and a source of comfort in recent weeks.”

2.) Work with your hands.

There are endless ways to work with your hands beyond moving a mouse and clicking a keyboard. Challenge your mind with a puzzle, try a new craft, or return to that passion project you’ve never had time to finish. There’s something satisfying about seeing your hard work come to fruition before your eyes, in your own hands. Not only does it give your brain time to relax from its usual tasks, it can help it start thinking and working in new ways—which can lead to a boost in creativity.

What our team is doing:

“My family and I have been fixing up a 1966 Airstream Overlander 26’. So far, we’ve replaced all the roof vents and AC, polished the roof, painted the interior, roughed in new plumbing, removed all the cabinets and seating, and built a new seating/master bed area!”

“I’ve been working puzzles to keep my brain active and reduce screen time.”

“I’ve had projects cut out ready to go just sitting in boxes for a few years. I’ve finally had the chance to dig them out, start sewing, and make pieces for our home and gifts for family. It gives me a chance to get away from a screen and work with my hands.”

“I got some air plants right before the WFH period started! They are very intriguing and are also believed to bring good luck! This is a hobby that I've found to be quite relaxing during this time.”

“I have been playing music—drums, guitar, and singing. I'm in my church's band and part of the media team, so we have been working on broadcasting services on Sunday mornings and recording some worship songs as well!”

3.) Get some fresh air.

If you’re itching for some inspiration, try stepping away from the desk and step outside. Whether it’s taking a walk around the block, exploring a hiking trail, taking a bike ride, or even reading a book on the porch, science says the fresh air will do you good. Not only can getting outside help reduce stress, it can also help you feel more focused and creative later.

What our team is doing:

“I’ve enjoyed going on hikes in our beautiful MetroParks to get active, connect with the beauty of nature around me, and take a mental break from this crazy world.”

“I’ve been planting posies in our window boxes and fighting weeds with environmentally friendly weed killer.”

4.) Cook a delicious meal.

There are endless possibilities when you’re creating in the kitchen. Taking the time to try new recipes—or creating some of your own—and getting to enjoy the finish product can help you jump-start your creativity in a different way. Not to mention, cooking at home with plenty of nutritious ingredients can help fuel your mind and body. In fact, one study found that eating more fruits and vegetables over a period of 13 days helped increase a sense of curiosity and creativity.

What our team is doing:

“I’ve started exploring new recipes. That’s been super fun. Finding creative ways to use vegetables can be challenging at times, but that’s a great way to stimulate my mind, and stay healthy. A nourished brain is where creative ideas flourish best.”

“I’ve been baking up a storm, and cooking, enjoying fresh veggies from Mission of Mary Cooperative.”

“I’ve been getting creative with my coffee in the mornings. My favorite so far is cold brew with homemade cold foam. I’ve drank coffee every day for years but trying new recipes has made my routine more fun at home!”
—Erin C.

5.) Start moving.

Speaking of fueling your mind and body, exercise is another great way to do that. It can be as simple as walking the dog around the block, taking a bike ride, dancing with your family, doing yard work, or taking a workout class. Many fitness/wellness companies like Peloton, Nike, Planet Fitness, and more are offering free trials right now, so this is a great opportunity to find a routine that works for you and start enjoying the physical and mental benefits.

What our team is doing:

“I start most days by exercising, usually taking a Peloton cycling class. It's what I usually do during "normal" times after getting my daughter onto her bus, so getting up early enough to take a class has helped me this period of time feel more normal as well.”

“I’ve been trying new exercises and walking routes every day to keep my workouts challenging and fun. It’s helped a lot in keeping me out of the quarantine funk! And my dog, Boomer, offers great moral support.”
—Erin C.

Contact us to learn more about Creative Intelligence and how it’s a part of everything we do!